Baby's schedules

All newly released parents realize that there are no schedules with the baby, at least until he is three months old. You may have an idea about the shots, but it is impossible to predict when you will be hungry and request your food to satisfy it.

With respect to other aspects, it happens entirely the same, you do not know how long he will remain asleep and neither how many times it will be necessary for you to change his diaper, the time differences do not exist, have disappeared and force the parents to be in complete vigil, living according to the baby behavior

It is a new world for the newborn, acclimatizing and finding the routine takes some time, the truth is that everything has changed for him. Before he did not need to claim the food, since it was supplied every time it was necessary through the placenta and umbilical cord, now it may be necessary to request it. Unknown sensations before, now they appear everywhere, it is undoubtedly a great impact that the baby supports and that becomes accustomed little by little, hence until the third month at least the baby does not begin to have a daily routine that allows the Parents a little more calm and calm.

Once the three-month barrier has passed, the parents begin to perceive the baby's routine, they are usually regular, every four hours in most cases, the times are gradually spaced and the baby begins to entertain himself by yes only with some of your favorite objects.

We remember those initial months in which it was difficult to sleep, eat, watch TV, do some homework and thought it was hard, but gratifying (we would almost repeat for the third time).

Life offers a lot to a baby, even if it costs, ends up adapting to it, surely our readers can share with us that moment in which the baby acquired that desired regularity.