Take them walking to school

I know that for some it is impossible because of the distances. That as much as they wanted, they should get up two hours before to arrive on time.

I speak of the cases in which it is accessible. I recommend leaving the car and make the little effort to take the children to school on foot.

According to news that I have known today, only 15% of American children attend classes on foot or by bicycle. For something it is one of the countries with the highest rate of childhood obesity in the world.

But in Spain we are not far behind, even exceeding the American figures.

Therefore, although the lack of time and comfort of the car are usually imposed on the use of both legs, I suggest that you take a walk to take and pick up your children from school or daycare.

Taking advantage of the spring days accompany, the last weeks I walk every afternoon to look for my little girl to her nursery school. In passing, we also take a walk with the smallest in his stroller.

It is true that I am very close, 500 meters away and that where I live there are no busy avenues, nor many people on the streets, it also takes a lot to get home because the girl gets a little tired and is very distracted.

But in addition to the benefit of at least a few minutes of physical activity a day, both for them and for you, you can enjoy a beautiful moment with your children.

Do you take your children to school on foot? If you have the option, do it.

Video: Child Safety Video: Walking Home From School (July 2024).