Share your story: virtual community for parents of premature babies

Share your story is an initiative of the March of Dimes, a foundation that fights premature birth, so that parents can share your experiences as parents of premature babies.

The portal is in English, but if you deal with the language, it is a very interesting support for parents who are going through a difficult time because their babies are in special care units or have a baby born before term.

You have the possibility to tell your story as a father / mother of premature, as well as to create a personal blog to tell it. And of course, read the stories and blogs of other parents.

In the Parent to Parent section you can ask questions, advise or talk about being parents of a premature baby, of babies born with a defect or about the loss of a baby.

For information on premature babies and pregnancy in Spanish, you can visit the website, of the same foundation.

I hope you can help someone, because in these sad situations, the support of others who have been through the same is very encouraging, given that they have gone through the same experiences and feelings.

Official site | Share your story In Babies and more | History of premature birth In Babies and more | Handbook for parents of premature children In Babies and more | Premature Parents In Babies and more | Premature baby, what steps to take?

Video: Parent 2 Parent: Stories from NICU Parents (July 2024).