The placenta acts as a parasite to safeguard the baby

A group of researchers from the United Kingdom has announced the results of studies they have done on the placenta, the conclusions are surprising and can be used to understand why there are some complications in pregnancy such as preeclampsia or abortion natural. Apparently, the placenta acts in a similar way to certain parasites like worms (had or lonely) in order to avoid rejection of the host (the future mom).

The genetic code of the future baby is different from that of the mother and this could be a reason for the mother's immune system to attack the baby that is being born. The camouflage or acceptance system used by the placenta is based on a type of protein that secretes, neurokinin B (NKB), specifically the phosphocholine molecules that parasites also use and that serve to curb the attack of the mother's immune system . This discovery is a great step for scientific research, since not only could we explain how we have previously said some pregnancy complications, it can also be used to develop a system that allows “the invisibility” of certain cells to the immune system.

The placenta has numerous functions, determining and knowing each of them will allow a greater understanding of the development of pregnancy and new methods can be designed to avoid some of the complications of pregnancy.

Video: Toxic Strep B Orange Pigment Can Cross Placental Barrier (May 2024).