After a C-section, more reluctant to be mothers

It seems that many mothers who have given birth by caesarean section are not in charge of repeating the experience.

A research team at the University of Bergen in Norway collected data on 596,000 women who had had their first child by caesarean section, excluding mothers of multiple children.

As published in the journal Obstetrics and Gynecology, caesarean section was related to a significant reduction of the possibility of a second pregnancy, compared to vaginal delivery.

And that after a caesarean section there is a possibility of having a second vaginal delivery, probability that is reduced from a second caesarean section.

They have clarified that the decrease in fertility after a C-section is largely voluntary and not due to any physical consequence derived from the intervention.

WHO considers caesarean section as an epidemic that must be eliminated by implementing a more humanized method of delivery that helps eliminate unnecessary interventions, an issue on which some countries such as Spain are in it.

It is curious that in developed countries where the number of caesarean sections that are practiced is increasingly high, birth rates have plummeted.

Maybe this study is one of the keys. That is, we can partly blame the caesarean section that women do not want to have more children.

I have been fortunate to have good experiences, childbirth would not throw me back when considering having another baby. However, in other cases it is not so. Does the way you have given birth condition you to have more children?