The number of abortions increases alarmingly in Catalonia

A few days ago in the post no to the request for reform of the Abortion Law, we talked about a unique request made by various abortion associations to extend the possibility of terminating pregnancy until week 24 in a free and free way. We showed our opinion, being totally contrary and consistent with that of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics that treated this attitude as infanticide.

Now we know that only in Catalonia, last year the number of abortions grew by no less than almost 20% compared to 2005 and we will have to wait for this year's figures to know how much it has increased this time. The Catalan health department indicates that almost 22,000 abortions were performed, curiously half of the women who aborted had gone to a family planning center a couple of years before where they were informed about the use and methods of contraception, this data seems to indicate that this information, or was not properly assimilated, or the health professionals did not know how to transmit it. Most of these abortions, almost entirely, were performed in private centers, only 606 were performed in public health centers. After knowing several news about the improper practices of some of these centers with regard to abortion, it gives us the impression that these figures could vary, not being entirely real as to the end of gestations.

There are too many interruptions that do not marry at all with the mentality of boosting the birth rate, the economic situation, the lack of a labor council or fear, they are causes that government agencies could file, surely the abortion rate would be reduced. Not only is it necessary to provide financial assistance by birth, it is necessary to change the laws so that working women can easily have a child, it is necessary to help them in the long term at an economic level (it is not necessary to give money), it is enough to the reduction of the price of items related to the baby or the subsidy of nurseries and schools.

It is necessary greater prominence by family planning agencies, educate, raise awareness and help all those women who request it. If the modification of the Abortion Law is accepted and the issues we have mentioned are not resolved, the figures will surely skyrocket.