Paternity according to reader Armandilio

Armandilio is the pseudonym behind which Armando hides: man, Jon's father (the beautiful baby in the photo who is now 2 years old), nurse in a Primary Care Center in Catalonia, a regular and incisive reader and commentator of this blog (it is often the scourge of the publishers and not not one happens), participant in parenting forums and author of his own blog: "The world of Armandilio 2.0" of varied topics but with important presence of the parenting with love and attachment and breastfeeding, of which he is so aware that he even teaches sessions for healthcare professionals.

How things are changing in our society so that so many men exercise as breastfeeding missionaries with more strength and conviction than many women!

From his blog I have obtained this interesting reflection on fatherhood in a post where he narrates, with much sarcasm but realism, the adventures and misadventures that so many new parents We live when our children do not respond to any of the false expectations that society makes us believe, and when we follow the advice (not wise) about parenting around us. These are his words:  

"If you want a child who behaves well, does not cry, does not make noise, does not bother, do not ... buy a doll. Children live, eat, cry, play, love, jump, run, explore, break, and all that they do because they are learning to live and to know the world in which they live and their own parents. They do it because they are children.

They don't do things to bother. They don't do things to prove how far your patience can go. All they do is because they are learning and for this they need the support of their parents, to feel safe in each new learning. They know that they would be helpless alone, that's why they call you, that's why they insistently ask if you need to be with them, because you, dad or mom, are their food, you are their feet, their legs, their eyes, their hands, they are their coat And you are his protector. They need you to learn what surrounds them until they grow up and can investigate for themselves. They don't cry at night to fool you, cry because they need youBecause he is afraid and feels insecure, because he is sick and needs attention, because he is hungry and needs food.

If a child cries because he is hungry, don't delay feeding him. If a child cries because he has a dirty diaper, do not delay changing it. If a child cries because he is sleepy, you sleep it. If a child cries because he is sick, you take care of him. If a child cries because he needs love and company, he is teasing you.

I can not understand why the queries to mental health services have multiplied. In the XXI century, when more important is being given to psychological factors in people's lives, when Depression, Stress and Anxiety are habitual traveling companions in our lives or those of a family member or friend, I find it hard to understand that it is still not understood (worth the redundancy) that the needs of love, respect and affection of a child are not remedied.

Contrary to what many think (and want to make us believe) posing a child through situations of suffering is counterproductive. The human mind is not like a callus, if you keep rubbing it becomes hard. The human mind needs adequate bases to face adverse reactions in the future. If we are growing up our growths on suffering (to get used to and harden as a person), what we are doing is allowing suffering to a person who does not know how to manage it, who does not know how to run away from it and who thinks that this is normal, to suffer, that is to say: he has come into the world to suffer. "

If you like its strength, rawness, clarity and politically incorrect tone here you have other posts worth reading:

  • Breastfeeding session 1: reasons and 2: the beginnings
  • The Pubill method (Estivill's friend)
  • Complete and extensive document on all the ins and outs of breastfeeding

Thanks Armando for you conscious and active parenthood and for your effort so that modern fathers and mothers open our eyes. You are not alone in this crusade. He tsunami Natural breeding is underway.

Video: Someones Questioning Paternity & Pregnancy! ALL 12 ZODIAC SIGNS Gemini thru Taurus September 2019 (May 2024).