Mistakes that we don't make with the second baby

Although man is the only animal that stumbles twice on the same stone, when we have a second child we try (I just said, we try) to learn from the mistakes we have made as first-time parents.

The lack of experience with the first baby leads us to do certain things that we would not repeat and others that we would like to live again a thousand times. For now, let's focus on those that we would not repeat.

With the second we already know a lot of things that we didn't know before, we have a better hand and we are more organized. We have more practice, both when it comes to care and parenting and we have managed to develop a sixth sense, the common sense of the parents.

Not to mention parents who have been parents three or more times. Surely they do better each time.

Based on my own experience as a mother of two, The mistakes that recidivist parents generally do not make again are:

  1. We do not live the pregnancy with such anguish: after the first we learn not to worry about nonsense and enjoy the nine months to the fullest.

  2. Not allowing ourselves to choose the birth we want: the experience of having gone through a previous birth helps us know what we want and what not next time.

  1. We do not run to the doctor with the baby at the slightest symptom: we already have more criteria to discern what is urgent and what to expect the next day.

  2. We do not fill the house with unnecessary junk or clothes that we will never use: we already know which are the baby items that will be useful and which ones will not.

  3. We don't get so easily influenced by the comments of others.

  4. We do not get so involved with schedules, routines and care: the experience helps us to be more organized with the second and to understand that if one day you do not bathe, nothing happens.

  5. We do not rush them to take steps for those who are not prepared: with the second we control our anxiety better.

Does anyone are encouraged to expand the list of mistakes learned?