New study on the benefits of fish consumption in pregnancy

Although doctors recommend pregnant women a moderate consumption of fish with high levels of mercury, it is a food that can not be missing in the diet of the future mother, especially during the last trimester.

A new study by Wayne State University (Detroit) published in the Journal of Pediatrics ratifies previous studies that ensure that the intake of some fish such as tuna, salmon or sardine are more beneficial than harmful.

It is because these fish contain high levels of an essential fatty acid called docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), an omega-3 fatty acid that Helps strengthen the development of the baby's brain in the last stage of pregnancy.

In the study, they found that babies who had high levels of DHA in the cord blood had better performance in tests of visual and memory acuity at 6 months and in cognitive and motor development tests when they were 11 months.

The research confirms the vital role that essential nutrients play in the brain in full growth of a baby during a critical stage such as the last three months of gestation.

Therefore, if you are at this stage, pay special attention to the fact that the consumption of fish rich in this omega-3 acid between once and twice a week is not lacking in your diet.

Video: Eat this 7 super food during pregnancy and see amazing growth of baby's development (July 2024).