Discomfort in pregnancy: excessive salivation or sialorrhea

Hypersalivation (also called sialorrhea or ptialism) is a very common phenomenon during pregnancy, often associated with nausea or vomiting.

It depends on the same hormonal processes that cause these symptoms. Excess hormones cause oral changes, among others, the excessive saliva secretion.

Sialorrhea occurs, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, along with nausea, and usually does not lead to any serious problem.

It is possible that the salivation begins when you feel the nausea or also that it is swallowing the excess saliva that causes those nausea. It can be very annoying when, at night, it makes it difficult for a pregnant woman to sleep.

Only in extreme cases, if excess saliva becomes very abundant and is accompanied by vomiting several times a day, it is necessary to consult a doctor, because we could be at risk of suffering from a hyperemesis gravidarum or dehydration that should be treated properly for Avoid complications

For relieve this excess salivation We can follow the same advice as to mitigate nausea, some natural solutions based on food, such as taking a slice of whole wheat bread or light cookies when necessary, ginger, nuts and raisins, infusions ...

Other tricks that relieve sialorrhea are the tooth brushing When the symptom begins, mouthwashes or chew a mint bubble gum.

Video: home remedy for excessive saliva - home remedies to stop excessive salivation (May 2024).