Childbirth compared to stew

I was struck by the occurrence of comparing labor with a meal such as the stew. So, suddenly, it may sound a bit rough, but putting it in context, the metaphor is certainly right.

The phrase has been pronounced by Trini Ramos. She is a midwife at the Maternal Hospital of Malaga, has 22 years of experience and every day brings between three and four babies to the world, so she knows very well the situation of births today.

She is the defender of the most natural births and of giving each woman the time she needs to give birth. That's why he said "The deliveries need their time, like a good pot, because if not then it comes out watery".

It is true that the mechanization of births has caused an unnatural acceleration of births. There are no beds available in the hospital, as things have to be accelerated to be vacated soon; if you do not dilate quickly, to cesarean oxytocin to accelerate dilation; artificial bag breaking and other maneuvers that do not allow "the stew" to cook at its point.

Personally I loved the comparison, because I also like cooking.

As a plate of food made with love and dedication, childbirth is a process in which time is very important. As with the cooking time of the ingredients, each woman has her own rhythm to give birth, some may take two hours while others a whole day. Because roasting a hamburger is not the same as preparing a good homemade stew.

Video: Point of Stew (July 2024).