A grandmother gives birth to her own grandson

Thanks to the advances in medicine, little by little we are getting used to such unusual news as this. This Wednesday it has been announced to the press that in Japan a woman has given birth to a child, with the peculiarity that this woman is 61 years old, and that the biological mother of the child is the daughter of the woman, that is , The woman has given birth to her grandson.

The daughter of this woman lacked a uterus and donated a fertilized egg with her partner's sperm to her mother so that she could develop the embryo for her.

Also striking is the news that in Eastern countries there is still a lot of adversity to the use of so-called "rent bellies". This delivery was carried out in the clinic run by Yahiro Netsu, who has been challenging the unwritten rules that exist in Japan for 9 years against the use of surrogate mothers.

There are already 8 mothers who have helped through the use of surrogate bellies, always thanks to the relatives of the mothers, in four cases they were the grandmothers to whom the embryo was implanted and in the other four the sisters. This obstectra is confident that with cases like this they can change things in their country and can open the doors to the use of surrogate mothers.

This woman is currently the oldest rental mother registered in this country.

Via | 20 minutes

Video: The 61-Year-Old Surrogate Who Gave Birth to Her Own Grandson. The Oprah Winfrey Show. OWN (July 2024).