Babies highlights and more: September 15-21

In this third week of September we had as protagonists the Breastfeeding and Education, but we have dealt with all kinds of issues. We summarize the highlights of the week.

First, note that Babies and more has completed 3 years of life.

About Breastfeeding we have taken care of China, which is experiencing a serious food crisis caused by the adulteration of milk with melamine, a chemical banned from food that has been used to make reconstituted milk appear as protein rich. The most terrible of this massive poisoning is suffering from nursing babies, 4 of whom have died and more than one hundred thousand have needed hospital assistance. We have talked about it on several topics: "Poisoned" baby milk in China has already killed two babies, adulterated milk and poor breastfeeding in China, 10% of contaminated and Chinese milk samples in China of nurses.

We have also published an information about a free breastfeeding guide and we have brought an interview to the gynecologist Pere Enguix that we have titled If the child does not get enough tit will always be hung on a tit.

Armando has told us more about the experience of fatherhood in Being a Dad: what your baby will be like (and how it won't be). We have also started a survey on What type of delivery you choose, in which we expect the participation of all our readers.

We have also dealt with school education, with topics that will help us to propose the best way to help our children at this stage, with topics such as tips that help children in their adaptation to nursery school, Armando reflects on the news of the expansion of children's places in 300,000 new nursery places, is that the way? and we have brought you the amazing statements of the French Minister of Education in Infant teachers only serve to change diapers. Continuing with Education Eva has explained to us what the relationship between school failure and vision problems is and that Hyperactivity and attention deficit are the most common neuropediatric pathologies. To finish on these issues we have not neglected Home Education, with an interesting interview with Xavi Allah, of the Association for Free Education.

The children's cartoons have not given much to talk about and we have remembered the birthday of a famous doll in Nancy turns 40 and celebrates it with new dolls.

Video: FAMILY WEEKEND IN MONTICELLO SEPT 15 - 21 (April 2024).