Ten questions to buy the right toy

Many of us have closets full of toys forgotten, toys that never gave us more than for an afternoon of fun. We buy toys often influenced by advertising, a momentary whim or sincerely believing that they will help our children have fun and learn. But we don't always succeed.

Yesterday I read a very interesting reflection of one of the owners of the online store Play, specialized in active play, and it seemed to me that the responsible questions asked can all serve as a work guide. These are your ten questions to buy the right toy:

1. Is this toy suitable for the child's age? 2. Are you interested enough to play with him again and again? For several minutes or even for an hour? 3. Is it well built? Does it respect the environment? Will it last a long time? Can it be repaired? 4. Will the child use his imagination when playing with him? 5. Will you feel satisfied using this toy? 6. Can the toy grow with the child? 7. Can the child use the toy in different ways? Can it have multiple uses? 8. Will it help the child to play with other children cooperatively and to find solutions where everyone wins in case of conflict? 9. Will it help the child to have confidence in other people, respecting their ethnic, cultural differences and valuing nature? Will it help the child not to reproduce sexist stereotypes? 10. Would I always keep this toy, so that my potential grandchildren play with it?

What do you think?

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Video: Top 10 Scary Toy Story Theories (July 2024).