Little musicians: learn with Sol and Tempo

The little musicians They are 2 nice characters that will take the little ones by the hand to bring them closer to the world of music. They are called Sol and Tempo, and on their website there is the possibility of playing with musical notes, rhythm and songs.

Through the accessible version we easily access the different options. For the little ones, the most appropriate section is that of the songs, since they have less difficulty. In the songs you can sing the lyrics as a karaoke.

It is a didactic application that has received an award from the Ministry of Education, intended for elementary students. You can download the game and install it on our computer, although as I say there is an accessible version on-line from the web.

For parents with notions of notation, it can also be interesting to help children know the sections dedicated to musical notes and rhythm.

The web offers teaching guides for teachers-parents and students to facilitate the use of the application.

Official Site | Little musicians In Babies and more | Music education, very suitable for children, Fun music: educational concerts for children, do you like music? Color the instruments!