My little brother of the moon: how a girl sees her little autistic brother

This beautiful short film of almost 6 minutes entitled 'My little brother of the moon' It was created by Frédéric Philibert, the father of an autistic child. Tells the impressions of a girl, her eldest daughter, about her autistic brother.

This version has music, but it is a pity that the delicious voice of the girl speaking in French does not come out that makes the video even more emotional. Anyway, it is subtitled as an unmissable testimony in which the girl explains in her own words why her little brother is special and different from the other children of her age.

Tell how he behaved when he was a baby, how he behaves now that he has grown a little, what he likes, what he doesn't like ... In a very simple language he explains the symptoms of an autistic child.

Autism is a disorder that affects some of the brain functions and alters the behavior of children when it comes to relating to the world around them. More and more children under 3 are diagnosed with this disease. That is why it becomes increasingly necessary that we begin to understand what this disorder is about.

The video is really delicious, poetic and sensitive. Highly recommended for those who have children or have contact with autistic children. Do not miss it.

Video: Autistic Step-brother Reaction to "Unboxing" (May 2024).