Highlights in Babies and more: March 23-29

We finish the month of March, and as every Monday we bring you a summary of the highlights of the week. Among the most read articles we find curiosities such as this fun video of how a baby is made. And if you are waiting for a baby for April, you can look at this lunar calendar to know the time of delivery.

Continuing with the great selection of classical music, this time Armando brought us ideas of melodies to go to sleep.

Regarding pregnancy, the most read and commented articles can remember the one that speaks of itching in the belly of pregnant women, and we have also talked about the weak bladder and frequent urination and the first Spanish pregnant woman.

Among the most commented news This week we can highlight the case of the rejection of a scheduled caesarean section requested by the mother, or the possible financing of the "medicine babies".

As always, we bring you tips We hope that they serve you every day with your children, such as great ideas to encourage reading through decoration, how to combat spring fatigue or how to act against childhood fears, so frequent.

We hope that next week will bring us much more news, tips and interesting studies, much more useful information for those who seek, expect or have children.

Video: Norvel Pelle weekly highlights - 323-29 (July 2024).