It is studied whether autism can be reversible

It is being studied if autism can be reversible. This theory, in which the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University (United States) is working and published in the journal Brain Research Review It is surprising and, although complementary studies are needed to support it, it is based on a proven fact: autistic children may have a different symptomatology during periods of fever.

The new theory is based on previous research that had pointed out this fact: children with autism seem to be that they get better when they have a fever but when it happens its symptomatology returns.

On these findings it has been suggested that the fever modifies the response of a part of the brain called the 'locus coeruleus-noradrenergic' (LC-NA) that is responsible for controlling behavior and also the response to fever.

The theory points out that this system is poorly regulated in cases of autism, either for genetic or environmental reasons or, more commonly, for an interrelation between the two, and that it may be affected by stress factors at the end of pregnancy.

When the fever rises, this system is stimulated and hence the improvement of children at that time. The therapy that is proposed as possible, once more research is done, would be to stimulate this brain area pharmacologically, to ensure that the system is regulated not only under febrile conditions.

As always, medicine and its advances may be essential to improve symptoms, but at the base, discovering the conditions that trigger the problem and avoiding them would be the solution. Unfortunately, there is not yet a clear determination of the origin of the problem, although they point to multicausal factors, and it may never be fully known.

Meanwhile, therapies that help improve the quality of life of these children are a great hope. This study that points to the possibility of make autism reversible is one of them.

Video: Real Question: What Age Can Child be Diagnosed with Autism? (July 2024).