Tessell: a versatile toy

Tessell It is a very original concept in children's toys. It is a set of forms that can become what your imagination allows.

They fit together like a giant puzzle to form a Eva rubber mat or join together to create rockers. The premise of the game is "imagination to power."

Soft surfaces such as rubber mats are ideal for children, especially those who begin to crawl because they allow us to create a safe play area in the room and, very importantly, can be easily cleaned.

What I like most about Tessell is that the same thing can be used as a carpet as a seesaw, and at the same time it becomes a game in which children develop their creative abilities.

It is a product of a Korean brand that has had very good acceptance in design fairs. It is said that the game is inspired by the tessellations of the artist Maurits Escher whose work was based on completely covering a flat surface so that there are no gaps.

Video: alt-J - Tessellate OFFICIAL VIDEO (May 2024).