First aid. Burns

When we have a small child, it is normal for us to worry about being prepared if an accident occurs. Know how to react calmly and perform first aid Proper is very important to avoid sequelae. One of the problems we can face are the Burns.

The prevention It is the first thing we should keep in mind. The kitchen should have a plate that avoids the possibility that hot food or liquids may fall on the child. We should not drink very hot liquids or leave them near a small child. Always confirm the bath temperature. Not smoking at home and especially not doing it near children are additional measures that, with a little prudence, will free us from serious disgust.

Every type of burn It also requires a different treatment and it is very important to know them to be able to act with serenity if they occur. We will see in detail how to prevent, recognize and treat each type of burn.

Most of the Burns that occur at home are avoidable. They usually occur when a hot liquid is poured over the child. That is why we must be very careful when we are cooking or when we are drinking something hot, paying maximum attention to avoid that the child can throw it on him.

Burns with bath or shower water are also common. You always have to touch the water before putting the child in or spraying it. Although they are not deep burns if they can have a lot of extension and are painful.

Other burns can be with a cigar. Apart from the bad example of smoking in front of a child and the dangers to their health that smoke inhales, one more reason not to smoke with children nearby is the possibility of burning. Therefore, not smoking with them nearby and much less taking them in arms with a cigarette is a logical protection measure.

Direct fire is less common but very dangerous. If something has been set on fire in the house and the child's clothing catches on, act immediately. If the child has his clothes on fire, one should never apply water directly to the fire, but instead roll it around the floor wrapped in a blanket.

The Burns They can be of various types. The first grade are superficial, leave the skin dry and red, causing pain. The second grade are already intensely painful and produce blisters. Third grade ones involve the abrasion of deeper layers of the skin, produce open sores and loss of sensation.

When a child burns the first thing to do is put the burned area under a stream of fresh water (not freezing, but about 22 degrees). In this way, what we are going to achieve is to prevent heat from spreading to deeper areas of the skin.

If the pain is very intense we can give a calming, ibuprofen or paracetamol type, always keeping enough serenity to not be wrong with the dose. Do not put oil, butter, or ointments or ointments.

Then you have to keep the area fresh with wet packs, and only apply some cream if the burn is first grade and small.

In general, to treat first aid burns, the best action in putting fresh water if there is no flame and, very importantly, never remove clothes if it has stuck to the skin. If we do, we tear off the skin with our clothes and we can produce much more serious wounds.

In cases of third degree burns, the medical care and in the case of second graders, in children, it is also, even if they are small, to go to a medical center quickly so that severity can be assessed and the necessary infection prevention measures can be applied. Once done some first aid burns they must usually be evaluated by the doctor, but if we have acted correctly the consequences will be minor.

Video: First Aid for a Burn (May 2024).