Genetic mutations, possible cause of autism

The exact cause that triggers autism is still unknown, however the genetic factor is of course one of the variables, along with the interaction of the environment.

With respect to the first, three studies published in important scientific journals, two in 'Nature' and another in 'Molecular Psychiatry', have revealed very interesting data to better understand the origin of this alteration in brain development.

New research suggests that children with autism have genetic differences that would hinder the development of neural connections in early childhood, age at which the disorder manifests, usually before three years.

They have found that several genetic mutations that influence the development of the child's brain connections increase the chances of suffering from autism. And that one of these genetic mutations could be responsible for 15% of cases.

They have verified by means of brain scans that autistic people have connections between different brain regions different or smaller than people who do not have this disorder.

Autism cases have increased markedly in the last decade, in fact they exceed pediatric diabetes, cancer and AIDS cases together. It is an alteration that modifies the behavior of children affecting their relationship with others and with the world around them.

Of course, these investigations are most hopeful for the improvement of these children. As long as the differences between the brain functioning of people with autism and those who do not suffer from it are known, we will be closer to knowing the causes of the disorder in order to reach its cure.

Video: Autism: New Mutations, Genes, and Pathways (July 2024).