How to adopt a homeless animal?

When we and our children decide that we are prepared to add an animal to our family, we find several possibilities, but without a doubt, adopting an abandoned animal is one to take into account. But how to adopt a homeless animal?

There are many associations that give them shelter while they find a family that adopts them, but sometimes we find it difficult to not know where to look for exactly that animal that suits exactly what we can best serve. Of course, before doing so, we must be sure that we can properly take care of all their needs and assume with our children the commitment to take care of them as living beings and not as toys.

Mara, a Spanish activist based in Australia, has opened an extraordinary initiative that can help us make the perfect search from its two pages: Tailor-made Adoptions and Diffusions without measure.

From so far it gives us the possibility of contacting her and explaining our wishes and needs. And she searches the shelters until she finds that animal that has its place in our home. He does it from his blog "Tailored adoptions".

With this Blog I propose to help you adopt your pet looking for the animal that best suits your preferences: by space, size, age of the animal, character, proximity of the adoption center to your home or personal tastes. You detail your priorities and preferences and I look for the different protectors, residences, kennels and hostels of Spain or your region. I show you the photos and I give you the contact addresses.

From "Broadcasts without measure" shows many animals that are still looking for a foster home or an adoption house where they are received with full responsibility.

If you are looking for a puppy, an older and quieter dog, if you can accept an animal that has suffered or if you want a breed animal, you can visit both pages and write to it. It will help you. For children, growing up with an animal in their company is a rewarding and educational experience that also makes them understand values ​​such as responsibility and respect for living beings.

The truth is that I came to her by these coincidences of fate, which sometimes gives you the possibility of discovering that in the world there are fighting and selfless people who from anywhere and without knowing them, show that it is worth trusting the human being .

How to adopt a homeless animal? Many families have found here the best way to do it. Diuna, the little girl with whom I illustrate this article already has a house, but there are many dogs and cats like the three brothers on the cover, Troylo, Jano and Neko who are still waiting to be adopted.

Video: Rescue of a Scared Homeless Dog with a Broken Heart (May 2024).