10 baby items that we can't do without

As we have commented on several occasions, the birth of a new family member is an event that represents an extra expense for the family economy. Therefore, and especially in times of crisis, it is important to clarify priorities and make a list of what is really essential and what is not.

Last week we reviewed the 10 baby items that we can do without affecting the well-being or comfort of the baby, those objects that are not as necessary as they seem.

Now is the time to review those Essential items for the first months of our baby. Let's see:

1) Cot: The crib is one of the most important items of the baby's trousseau, therefore its purchase should not be taken lightly. We must take into account the dimensions of the baby's room, what kind of functionalities we want it to have, the color, the type of mattress, etc. I recommend choosing it with adjustable height, if possible with a built-in storage system or convertible into another piece of furniture when the baby grows to be more profitable.

In our Special Decoration of the baby room we have given some tips to choose the baby's crib (part I and part II).

If you have space in the double room you can use the standard size crib from birth in the highest position with the protected sides. There are some to which one of the sides is lowered and can be attached to the parents' bed, which is very useful for catching the baby at night.

As I said in the post of not-so-necessary articles, the cradle is a piece of furniture that we can do without replacing it with a bassinet during the first months (some parents use the carrycot) and then pass the baby directly to the crib where he will sleep until Let it be time to go to bed.

2) Baby carrier: Today we can find in the market a lot of systems to carry the baby in tow. Foulard style for knotting, shoulder strap, pouch, mei tai or the traditional backpack, the possibilities are wide.

There is no one better than another, it is a matter of trying out which system is more practical to you depending on the use you are going to give it.

They are very useful from birth and allow us greater freedom of movement by leaving our hands free. There are those who prefer to take the cart everywhere, but the baby carriers are very convenient for places where maneuvering the cart is not easy or for hiking, for example.

It goes without saying that the baby is delighted by walking close to the heat of mom or dad and that for parents it is also very nice. It is advisable to try which one you find most comfortable before buying.

3) Car safety chair: In this we cannot pretend to save. The child restraint system must comply with all current safety regulations, must be appropriate to the age of the baby and of course, comfortable for both the baby and the parents.

As you know, there are several groups of child restraint systems determined according to the weight of the baby that cover each of the growth stages to ensure safety when riding in the car.

The group 0 chair (0-12 kg) is the first one used. It is usually sold together with the stroller. We buy the following separately. There are them with the traditional retention system or with Isofix system, more expensive, but also safer thanks to its anchoring mechanism.

As I said before, in the purchase of the car seat we cannot spare because we put at stake the safety of our little one.

4) Stroller: another of the big purchases for the little one that is coming. The choice of a stroller is an important decision as it will be an item that we will use for approximately the first three years. If we have chosen the right stroller, it should be functional in all stages of the baby, both when it is newborn and when it is older. And return to serve us for the second or third child without practically suffering damage.

The stroller is normally sold in a set of three pieces (stroller, carrycot and safety seat group 0) or in two pieces (stroller and one of the other two options).

If you have already entered the world of baby strollers, you will have verified that there is a wide variety of brands and models to choose from. The important thing is not only to get carried away by the appearance of the stroller but to take into account fundamental things such as: folding system, weight, dimensions, safety, will it fit in the trunk of the car ?, and in the elevator ?. We must also take into account when buying the accessories it brings or what we can buy separately as a foot cover, sun visor, etc.

In this post I have extended more on the tips to choose the most suitable chair.

5) Highchair: the high chair or chair to eat is another article considered essential. Before deciding what type of highchair to buy, we must consider some minimum requirements to take into account such as: the dimensions of our kitchen / house (if we have a small house it will be very convenient that the highchair can be stored folded), that the material of the highchair is Easy to clean as it gets dirty very easily, safety straps, if we want to have wheels to take it to another environment of the house, etc.

In this post and also in this one we have given some advice to choose the right high chair.

We also have to keep in mind that it is a long-term purchase. It does not mean that we have to buy the most expensive but that we have to find the best value for money.

6) Bathtub adapter: In the post of the non-essential I have included the furniture-bathtub, an article that I really do not see necessary.

Instead, we can bathe the baby in the large bathtub but at each stage of growth we will need an adapter so that it is safer and more comfortable and so that we can have both hands free to bathe it.

Basically there are two types of adapters: the first is a kind of crib that adapts to the shape of the baby and holds it on both sides and by the culete (some are extended as the baby grows, others are incorporated into a mini-bathtub that can be placed inside the large bathtub and thus spend less water); The second is a hoop-shaped seat for when the baby is already able to sit alone. Both have suction cups that stick to the floor of the bathtub.

With these two accessories we have solved the issue of the bathroom until the child is older and is able to stand up for himself. When that time comes we will buy a mat to avoid slipping.

7) Breastfeeding cushion: There will be those who have bought one and it has been filed, but from my own experience I can tell you that I have tried it and it has been very comfortable to breastfeed the baby.

There are those who perfectly manage the house cushions, but the advantage of the nursing cushion due to its anatomical and rounded shape is that it gives us the same support surface on both sides. That is, we do not force the posture when we breastfeed avoiding bad postures and muscle contractures. The most advisable thing is to borrow it if a friend has used it and if you find it useful to decide the purchase.

For its part, it also serves to place the baby on his back somewhat elevated in a resting position (ideal for babies with reflux), to stimulate the back muscles by placing him face down and to support him by the back when he begins to sit alone.

8) Breast pumps: There will be those who have never used one or those who have found it uncomfortable because they prefer to express the milk by hand, but the breast pump is really useful when, for example, you have to go back to work and do not want to wean the baby. Also for mothers who for any reason cannot breastfeed directly and do not want to give up breastfeeding.

It is a very personal article so it is advisable to buy it and not borrow it. You will see that there are different types of breast pumps (manual, electric, hands-free) but to be effective the most important thing is to know how to use it correctly.

9) Mantita: Whatever the time of the year, it will always be useful to have a blanket on hand to wrap the baby. It can be made of cotton, yarn or wool as long as it does not release hair, fluff or balls. The material will obviously depend on how cold it is.

In addition to serving to shelter the baby (in summer to cover them from the air conditioning, in winter from the cold outside), when it is newborns, wrapping it in a cotton blanket gives it security and relaxes it because it imitates the feeling it had inside the womb. In this video we can see how to wrap it correctly.

It may seem silly but a blanket will get you out of more than a hurry.

10) Vaporizer-humidifier: The dry environment and heating in winter are very bad for when babies are congested, something quite common during the cold months. Humidifiers solve the problem by providing humidity to the environment.

Personally, I have used humidifier and vaporizer with my two girls as each one is recommended for different situations. If there is nasal congestion, hot steam is recommended; if there is inflammation of the airways, cold steam. At the time we explained in detail the differences between humidifier and vaporizer.

Like other articles that we have mentioned before, there are several brands and models that we have detailed in Choosing the right humidifier (ultrasonic, ultrasonic with ionizer, for radiators, etc.).

As in the case of the 10 items for expendable babies this list of the 10 items for babies that we cannot do without It is also totally subjective, based on my personal experience.

I would love that through the comments you will say if you agree with me or if for example you are missing an item that you have found essential and can help other parents decide to buy it or not.