Lemon roasted chicken thighs. Recipe for pregnant women

The recipe of Lemon roasted chicken drumsticks What we present today is a recipe that can be cooked at any time of the year, has very few calories and is so rich that when we do it we have to be careful not to fall short, I always calculate about three thighs per head but there are those who eat Four quietly.

This dish with chicken Y lemon It gives us vitamins B3, B12, C, E, magnesium, copper, zinc, iron, manganese, folic acid, phosphorus, potassium, it helps us to create more red blood cells so it prevents diseases such as anemia and white blood cells so we Strengthens the immune system.

The ingredients for 4 people

12 chicken drumsticks, 2 lemons, 1/2 cup of oil, 2 tablespoons of chopped parsley, 2 cloves of garlic, 1/2 cup of water, 1/2 tablet of chicken broth, olive oil salt.

The preparation

We salt the thighs and place them in a baking dish, add the parsley and the chopped garlic cloves.

Undo the chicken broth pill in 1/2 glass of hot water and water the chicken with this.

We wash the lemons very well, we divide them in half and squeeze them a little on the chicken, with the rest of the lemon we split it into wedges and we place them between the chicken drumsticks.

We also add a good jet of oil and put it in the oven at 200ºC for approximately 45 minutes, half of the time only with the bottom of the oven, the rest of the time with the oven and the gratin at the same time.

Preparation time | 15 minutes Cooking time | 45 minutes Difficulty | Low


This exquisite accompanied with some roasted potatoes or with a salad.

As they are going to be cooked with a lot of broth, we can leave it even a little longer to guarantee a better cooking, but taking the precaution of turning them over so that they do not dry much on one side.