Attention uncles and aunts: nine keys to hit a child with the gift if you do not have children

If this Christmas you have to give a gift to a child and you don't have children, you may find yourself somewhat lost. "Will I know how to get it right with your gift?" "What should I keep in mind when choosing a toy?", "Do I let myself be guided by fashion, or is it better to be original?" ... There are many doubts that arise at a time as important as this.

And we all want to succeed when we give, but especially if our recipient is a child who expects it with great emotion and enthusiasm. So friends, uncles and aunts, and other relatives without children, pay attention to keys that we propose to hit the children with the gift. We hope you find them useful!

Security and approval

The most important and priority is that the toy we plan to give Have all the recommended security measures and be approved. To do this, it is important to buy from trusted and specialized stores, and note that the toy box has the CE (European Compliance) mark.

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Likewise, we must take special care with those toys that seem excessively cheap, as well as with imitations and copies, since it is likely that the proper quality controls have not passed.

The age of the child and its development phase

Another aspect to consider is the age of the child, although this data should be somewhat indicative, because each child develops at a different rate. Even so, there are certain characteristics that are usually common to each of the evolutionary stages, such as:

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  • Between 0 and 12 months, babies begin to gradually discover the world, so toys should contribute to stimulate their sensory perception and control of their first movements.

  • Between 12 and 24 months, children show interest in explore and experience, as well as imitate adults. In this way, toys that enhance their motor development and stimulate their curiosity and attention are perfect for them.

  • Between two and three years old, the game occupies the most important part of the child's life, so toys have to respect their evolutionary needs, both emotionally, as well as intellectual and motor.

  • Between three and four years, there is a great evolutionary leap in child motor development, and begin to test their physical limits. In addition, the symbolic game occupies most of its activity.

  • Between the ages of four and five, children show great interest in knowing more about their surroundings and its incredible capacity for memorization and learning is surprising. Therefore, the most recommended toys at this stage would be those focused on developing these skills.

  • Between the ages of five and six, the physical, communicative and social skills, so the kids enjoy playing in groups and competing.

  • From the age of six, a great universe of possibilities opens up to children with the learning of literacy. The games and toys of this stage should be aimed at quenching their curiosity, teaching them more details about the world we live in, and sharing group experiences.

The tastes and interests of the child

But the child's age and evolutionary phase must also be completed with his personal interests. In this way, We can customize the gifts according to your concerns and tastes:

  • If they are creative children, we can choose games or musical instruments, games that enhance their manual creativity, construction games ...

  • If they are especially active, it is advisable to opt for toys that encourage sports, outdoor outings and motor development.

  • If they are calm and attentive children, we can opt for board games, craft games, puzzles, fittings, cut-outs ...

  • For children who enjoy symbolic play, dolls, kitchens, costumes, puppets, tools ... are the perfect choice.

  • For the most curious kids we will opt for experimentation games, discoveries or those in which a cause-effect can be studied.

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Watch out for the small pieces!

If you take into account the approval label, the manufacturer's indications and the child's age, it is easy to avoid those toys not recommended for minors because they contain small parts.

But it may happen that you are looking for a toy for an older child who lives with a baby or child under three years old. In this case, it is important that you also keep in mind that the toy you give to the major do not disassemble into smaller pieces, because they could fall into the hands of their younger brothers and cause an accident.

Equally, Toys containing button batteries are best avoided, or failing to make sure that the lid that hides this type of batteries cannot be opened without tools that only the adult can handle.

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Stereotypes aside

When choosing a toy, you are probably tempted to fall into gender stereotypes. It is normal; Sexist advertising, the phrases we hear continuously on the street and the education we receive from children, can make us fall into the error of continuing to perpetuate gender roles and stereotypes throughout the game.

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But in your hands is breaking those barriers by simply giving toys. Because boys and girls do not understand stereotypes, and only pretend to play and have fun without anyone telling them what they may or may not be, and without anyone cutting off the wings of their imagination.

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Avoid violent toys

Whether guns, submachine guns, shotguns, swords, arrows, knives ... real-life weapons are used to harm or kill. Although they are toys, they transmit negative values, so more and more parents decide not to give children toys of any kind.

Therefore, if you have doubts about the decision made by the family of the child to whom you are going to give, it is advisable to avoid buying war toys.

Avoid toys with shrill sounds

Surely any parent will greatly appreciate you avoiding giving away toys with shrill music, especially loud sounds and voices, or those with volume that cannot be regulated quickly and easily.

Usually, this type of toys usually enchants all children, but sometimes, the volume of decibels they reach is so high that it could affect the ear of the little ones, and twitch the nerves of the suffered parents.

In Babies and more Do you have no volume control? Attention to noisy toys

Do not forget to complement your gift

When you buy a gift, read the instructions on the box carefully to see if it works with batteries And if these are included. And there is nothing that makes a child more angry than wanting to try his new toy and not being able to do so because it does not contain batteries.

Likewise, if you opt for toys such as bicycles, skates, skateboards ... remember to also get a protection set that includes elbow pads, knee pads and helmet, so that they can be used from the first moment with total safety.

Choose educational toys

Educational toys They are a great option for children to learn by playing. There are toys for all ages, as well as to play accompanied or alone. These types of toys usually have the function of stimulating children's development, enhancing their creativity, curiosity, reasoning, memory and language.

So if you have doubts about choosing the most suitable toy, we recommend you visit one of the stores specialized in educational toys. They will know how to guide you based on the child's age, skills and interests.

In Babies and more17 toys to give to children recommended by age, according to Montessori

A book is always welcome

And if despite the advice you still don't know what to give, choose a book. Regardless of the age of the child, and even if it is a baby, you will always find a book according to its stage of development and interests.

Science books, dinosaurs, poetry, classics, novels for teenagers, sticker books, educational and entertaining books ... the offer is endless, but they all have a common denominator: arouse the child's curiosity and invite him to dream, while developing their creativity and stimulating their learning.

In Babies and moreThe 25 best books for children, classified by age

Apply common sense

And finally, remember the importance of applying common sense, not to hyper-gift and make a deep reflection before buying a toy, looking for pros and cons and running away from fast and impulsive purchases.

Also, if you are not very clear about the interests of the child and the type of toys he has, it is recommended that you ask his parents before and make sure that the game you plan to buy does not already have it.

Photos | iStock, Pixabay

Video: Game Plan for Raising Well-Behaved Children - Kevin Leman Part 2 (May 2024).