Child massage course at the Hospital de Nens in Barcelona

The Hospital de Nens de Barcelona has started a children's massage workshop with the beautiful title of "The art of giving love". It offers an intimate space to learn how to massage children.

The course is not closed and there are no organized sessions, so you can go on the days that each one is interested. It is also possible to go with other family members. The activity has started quite successfully and is open to anyone who may be interested.

Knowing that touch is one of the best forms of communication with our baby, infant massage should be a common practice in our daily lives. Bath time or before going to sleep, would be ideal for baby relaxation. In addition, we strengthen the bond with them and relaxes ourselves.

Massaging babies is almost as simple as petting them, but we can learn some techniques. Surely parents who read us from Barcelona may be interested in this workshop. From here you can see the objectives:

Promote the link between parents and children. Welcoming your child to the world through touch is a way to show your unconditional love. • Promote the digestion of the baby with anti-colic massage. • Improve rest of the baby. • Decrease contractures. • Stimulate the senses. • Mobilize mucus secretions at the respiratory level.

As we see, all benefits. For more information about this Children's massage workshop in Barcelona and registrations you can call the Hospital telephone (extension 820).

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