Baby calendar: two months

your baby is already 2 months old. Little by little the baby has adapted to his new life outside the womb while his parents have been adapting to their needs, schedules and care. The mother is already recovered from childbirth and feels better while the father is more actively involved in her care.

On the other hand, as a social being, the baby is more hustler. He looks at everything and begins to interact with his parents and the rest of the people around him through looks, babble and smiles.

2 month old babies They are still newborns but they are already beginning to emerge some characteristic features of their personality. We know how he reacts to certain situations such as hunger, sleep, discomfort or if he is a calm, irritable or restless baby.

Let's know in detail the characteristics of two month old babies:

2 month baby feeding

The most suitable food for the baby until at least six months of age is breast milk. Its benefits are innumerable for both the mother and the baby. It helps, among many other things, to improve their defenses, their intellectual development and reduce the risk of childhood obesity.

The child begins to have a more regular schedule of shots than the previous month, but anyway breastfeeding should continue to be on demand, that is, when the baby asks for it. Sometimes he does not cry because of hunger but offering his chest will help calm him.

At the time of taking, whether breastfeeding or bottle, you should be calm, in a cozy atmosphere and without interruptions. This will help the baby relax and reduce colic.

If the baby drinks artificial milk, the bottle is also given on demand. It is recommended to take it every three to four hours since it is the time that milk, more difficult to digest than the breast milk, remains in the stomach. But regardless of this the baby may be hungry before and it would be normal to give him the bottle, just as we would if he took the breast.


After the first month of life, the baby begins to gradually regulate his sleep-wake cycles, sleeping for longer periods, especially at night. We can help you by establishing a routine that is repeated daily. For example, bath, massage and food every night before bedtime.

The baby should sleep on his back, it is the recommended position to reduce the risk of sudden death. However, it is also convenient to place the baby upside down while awake to strengthen the upper part of the trunk, which will then help him to crawl.

It is also convenient to alternate the position of the baby while sleeping (place it on one side, then the other) to avoid plagiocephaly, a deformity of the head caused by always resting it in the same position that can become very serious.

It is still the best thing that the baby stays at night near his mother to facilitate the night shots and because the little one needs her nearby. As I said in the first month's entry, the colecho, that is, sleeping with the baby in the same bed, is a very personal choice of each family but should always be a safe practice.

2 month baby growth

Babies fed with breast milk do not usually gain excessive weight since its composition is optimal and there is no risk of being overweight. On the other hand, babies fed with formula milk are more likely to gain more weight.

Each baby has its own growth rate. Two babies born with the same weight and fed in the same way can have a very different weight by the second month. Broadly speaking, children during the first trimester earn about 200 grams per week and 3 cm in size and 1-2 cm in cranial perimeter per month.

2 month baby development

  • Follow objects and people with your eyes
  • Stare
  • When he is lying he starts to move his legs and arms
  • Holds his head for a few seconds
  • When placed on your stomach, lift your head and upper chest
  • He smiles when the mother smiles or talks to him
  • Start babbling some simple sounds

To stimulate its development we can start offering rattles or light objects that you will try to catch. If we call your attention making sounds, you will look at us carefully. He loves to play soft music and sing lullabies.

Of course we must be aware of him at all times because he is gaining strength in legs and arms and although we believe that he does not move it would be dangerous to leave him only on the changing table, the bed or the sofa. Nor should we leave him alone with older siblings if they are small, what for them is a game can be risky for the baby.

2 month baby sociability

If you have not done so during the first month it is in the second when you will give us your first smile. The angelic smile or false smile, the baby's primary reflection, becomes a true smile in response to a social stimulus. It is a wonderful and exciting moment. When it does it will be difficult to hold back the tears.

The best stimulus for the two-month-old baby is to talk to him, smile at him and caress and massage him while we change him, walk him or play with him. It may seem banal but it is the beginning of its sociability. We have to talk to the baby as if he understood us because even if he does not understand what we are saying, we will be favoring his subsequent speech development.

Massages are very good for both physical and emotional development, but it is important to identify the best time to do it.

Photos | Flickr CC eseering and mtretiakova

Video: Chinese baby gender prediction calendar 2019 latest and updated (May 2024).