Show an "exaggerated" love to the eldest son

When a little brother comes home, it is a revolution in our habits as parents. But probably the biggest impact is for the older brother who happens to be "dethroned." Because he will still need all our attention, especially the smaller. That's why I liked the pediatrician's phrase when we made the first visit with my little daughter: "We must show an exaggerated affection to the older sister".

It is still hard for me to talk about "my oldest daughter", because with just two years she is still a big baby, but she was referring to her. It does not mean that we should pretend anything, and any father or mother will understand me, but it does show that the signs of affection must be very obvious, clear and exaggerated.

Thus, what at first sight might seem pejorative ("exaggerated" as "excessive") becomes the opposite, becoming meaningful the greatest and most continuous show of affection that we can give. It seems logical, if we look at them they need us more now.

It is known that exaggeration, understood as forced gesticulation or intonation, reach babies and young children very well, captivating them. You just have to see how some of his singers or "favorite" characters act. In fact, this is how we talk and communicate regularly to babies and young children. It is the best way to reach them, to be close to them.

So it has not been difficult to "exaggerate" our displays of affection for the older sister, but I have had to learn some things with this experience of multiply my love for them.

Of course, we should not think that the signs of affection for the son when he was only had disappeared or diminished. But it is logical that, with the arrival of another baby, if we do not take care of this point, there could be some negative (and of course involuntary) repercussion, in the sense of paying less attention to the elder's emotional requirements.

Therefore, if you had not yet uncovered your facet of actress or actor by becoming lovers, singers, dolls, dancers, ventriloquists, little horses, little trains or airplane pilots ... now is the time. A smile of "the elders" will be our greatest incentive not to skimp on hugs and affectionate words.

So don't forget it, with the arrival of a little brother home it is important to show an exaggerated affection to the eldest son. Soon we will talk about some tips to get it. But it is very easy: it is simply about increasing our samples of affection, since he or she now needs us more.

Video: The Greatest Showman Cast - The Greatest Show Official Audio (July 2024).