Babies highlights and more: January 11-17

As every Monday we bring you the possibility to review Babies highlights and more during the past week.

We have offered some topics for moms or future moms, such as the ten tips for a healthy and happy pregnancy and what are the monitors ?, which may interest mothers who are close to their time of delivery.

We have also touched on the issue of weight in pregnancy by asking you, how much weight did you gain in your pregnancy? and we have explained why heels can be used during pregnancy and why it is recommended not to do so. We have also talked about two types of mothers: "worried" moms and "quiet" moms, we have commented that in the postpartum period, the return to exercise must be gradual and we have touched on a social phenomenon that seems to be booming, not having children, at the entrance: More and more women have no children.

Speaking of the children, the other protagonists of the blog, we have resumed the Baby's Calendar talking about the eleven months, we have talked about the passage to the bathtub of the elderly and have commented on some undesirable photos advocating to laugh with them, not them.

In terms of health we have touched on the issue of newborn rhinitis, we have commented that we should take care of respiratory health since childhood and we have brought a didactic video to learn what to do when a baby chokes.

We have also talked about the organization at home at the level of furniture and space by commenting on how the baby's room should be and explaining how the families who collect it are assembled.

Finally we have talked about an interesting survey on homeschooling in Spain that can help you understand a little more what is the homeschooling and we have taken another look at the labeling of the 4-month Ordesa products.

Hopefully this week the contents of Babies and more You find them interesting, fun, pedagogical and useful (for asking not to be left).