Dads and moms blogs (III)

Today, by introducing you to this new installment of our review of moms and dads blogs, I am pleased to bring some new pages that we had not shown so far.

The first, and since among our readers we have a fairly large number of parents, is from a man, Jose Mari, a Quixote of walking around the house. The blog, in which he tells his daily experience with his two children, I find a tender and enjoyable reading, full of anecdotes with which I feel very identified.

Her two children, a small girl and a teenager, are educated at home and her father tells us about the activities they are doing or the domestic peace that is breathed in their home. They do shushi, they accompany them in their daily labors, they play with other children, they do ballet, they plant beans, and their father tells everything with a loving and respectful look.

It is a precious gift to show ourselves that allow us to peek into their growth as a family, in which children grow and parents grow up by their hand.

From Quijote to walk at home I have reached another blog, My school at home, not written by parents, but one of their children, Pablo, a boy full of literary ideas and overflowing a limpid charm that we can read in his narration and in his anecdotes.

Week by week he adds a chapter of a novel "The Legend of the Damned" that may be the germ of our Spanish Christopher Paolini. Well I would like my son to reach thirteen with that fascinating dreamy spirit.

The mother of this wonderful family, Mari Cruz, is also a blogger, so we just need the little girl in the house to write early too. The mother's blog, of which if we have spoken to you on occasion is Macedonia of sweet fruit, where we can read this week about the kamishibai workshop organized by the Epysteme Association this week in Madrid with the collaboration of the IQRA International Center Academy .

In addition, in the previous entries, he tells us about a yoga workshop in which they have recently participated in the Casa Tiavea, which we had also talked about in Babies and more, or a belly dance course in which the youngest girls join women of all ages.

Finally I show you a new blog in our review, Mai Zerbal, where this "wild" and mountain mother tells us, in the last entry, how she discovered the Concept of Continum and how she applied it to her life.

I leave you, finally, the explanation that this mother, Anicka, makes the name of her blog. I really identify with her a lot.

Mai zerbal, wild human mother, who tries to follow her instinct and listen to her intuition. Mammalian mother, because the human being is a mammal of the order of primates. Loving mother, who loves her children from the depths of her gut where the uterus is. Pleasant mother, who is pleased to please her children. Insumisa mother, who does what she thinks is best for her children despite what others say. Mother pampering, because she feels what her children feel. Respectful mother, who believes that a child deserves as much or more respect than any adult. Nourishing mother, who nourishes with her milk, her love and safety to her young. Natural mother who tries to act as a human female would do without conditioning. Mother defender, who represents her children before society and not vice versa.

Next week we will continue visiting Dads and moms blogs to share with you what we read. What do you think of this week?