No more offensive names for babies

Names like Voldemort (enemy of Harry Potter), Robocop or Terminator appear more and more frequently in the record books of Mexican newborns. A grace from parents that will become a mockery?

Calling a baby with a name that may be offensive or degrading may be outlawed in Mexico City thanks to a proposal to reform the Civil Code.

It has been an assembly member of the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) who wants to be granted to the judges the power to require parents that the proper name they are going to give the children is not "denigrating." This initiative will be voted at the end of this month, and personally it would not seem bad for me to succeed, although the limits between the offensive and what is not are not always clear.

More and more Mexican children are called Masiosare, which arises from the contraction of three words of the national anthem: "But if I dare a strange enemy ..." or Anivdelarev (acronym for the anniversary of the Mexican Revolution). James Bond, Pocahontas or LadyDy are other frequent appellants.

It seems that the boys and girls who bear these names are teased at school. According to the assembly that proposes the reform,

It is about avoiding discrimination and derision to children who have an unusual name (...) There are names that arise from marketing or are in fashion and are derogatory and undermine the dignity of the person.

Even so, the proposal has caused great controversy in the country and various voices warn that if approved it could violate the right of parents to call and educate their children as they see fit.

In our pages we have already seen cases in which the law says that you can not put the name you want to children, such as Friday in Italy, @, 4real or Metallica. Although also the opposite case, as in Sweden where they can be called Coca-Cola or Budweiser. So effectively the border between the offensive and degrading in terms of appeals is not too clear at times ...

Anyway, we remind you of the advice to get the right baby's choice, and we call common sense and good taste (although of course, for tastes, colors, as they say ...) when it comes to naming the baby .

For now, in Mexico City some strange names may end that could affect the self-esteem of the little ones.