Video tribute to mothers: "Dear mom, thanks for everything"

On a day like today it seemed good to show you this video that gathers the beautiful words dedicated to a mother. The text is taken from the work of Australian author Bradley Trevor Greive "Dear mom, thanks for everything."

As in other works, the book consists of black and white photographs of different animals and their young. The accompanying text creates the argument, which in this case consists in thanking the mothers for all that they have taught us and have supposed in life.

And also ask for forgiveness for the bad times that may have happened to him and for not knowing how to appreciate everything that the mother gave up.

This is text transcription, which in the video features the narration of the popular Mexican broadcaster Mariano Osorio.

Mom, the other day, watching my belly button, I stopped to think what a curious little testimony of such an important connection. A connection that reminds me of how my life began, how I began to be. Today it is difficult to imagine that he was ever so small, that he depended completely on someone, and that someone was you, mom. You showed me my first butterfly and my first rainbow.
You were by my side when I tried my first steps. You were the first person who made me laugh and you heard that the first word I said was: "Pa-pá" (forgive me, mom). I love that people say that I look like you, because it's true! We have the same eyes, the same ears and the same nose. And if you look closely, you'll see that even our toes are similar. Although, if you think about it, it is not so surprising, I will always be a part of you because you created me. You have sculpted my face with a million loving kisses. You have taught me all the important things of our world and my place in it. I learned everything from you, while listening to you and watching you. You have shared with me all the values ​​that make you so special: kindness, forgiveness, honesty, perseverance, consideration and mainly, patience. You also taught me that, even on the most terrible day, it seems better with a glass of warm milk and cookies. (Your serene philosophy of warm milk and cookies, mom, has helped me through the most difficult times, much more often than you can imagine). What I am trying to tell you, mom, is that you are the basis on which my personality has formed. And I only have one word left: Thank you! Thank you! for having always filled me with shelter, security and love, for having given me everything I needed to grow and develop. Thank you! because you were always willing to take me everywhere. Thank you! for the exquisite meals that you used to deal with so much love, day after day, year after year. And I especially thank you, Mom, for that incredible aroma of freshly toasted bread, in the mornings. Thank you! For letting your two-year-old treasure play with your most valuable possessions and for not saying: "I told you, I told you," as many times as you would have liked. Thank you! for getting up every time I needed a hug or seeing something from the best location. What surely hasn't been good for your back, mom. Thank you! for flying to rescue me every time you heard me scream: "I want my mom!" You have always known what to say or what to shut up, to make me feel better. Thank you! For so many warm and loving hugs. Why did you fix broken hearts and toys over and over again, thanks mom. Thank you! for encouraging me to look for the beauty within me and to always stay on my feet. Thank you! for making sure that I could grow and achieve success in whatever he proposed to me, if he believed in me in the same way you did. But mom, we both know that although our relationship has been wonderful, it was not always calm and perfect. Because I, who am the joy of your eyes, I didn't always make you laugh. Forgive me! For the times that I made you angry, or for having made you worry about me, and for all the sleepless nights I caused you. Forgive me! for having wallowed in the mud, after you had put on my best clothes and my new shoes and for asking: "Is there a long way to go? Missing a lot? Every time we went out. Excuse me for trying to run away from the bathroom so many times and for putting on difficult when going to school or when you didn't let me get that tattoo. I regret all the times I got unbearable, especially in the best restaurants. Today I feel bad for the times I woke you up at five o'clock the morning on my birthday or on Christmas and for all those nights when there was no way I could fall asleep. Forgive me for not giving you more time for yourself. Even if they were a few quiet moments to think, to dream. Now I understand how many things you gave up for me. Because my time to play was always first than your time to rest, my meals were more important than yours, and my diaper training was absolutely First of all, every time you tried to relax, I would break into your room demanding: "Mom, I'm starving!", "Mom got bored!", "Mom, I can't find my pet anywhere. Get up and help me find her right now! " Today I understand how many things I have achieved thanks to you, mom and I would like to have more than one life to give you back everything you have given me. You showed me a world full of love and wonders, you taught me to find my own way and you have made me much happier than you can imagine. I want everyone to know: My mom is the best mom in the Universe! Thank you! mom. Thanks for everything!

From this link you can see an excerpt from the book, with the beautiful images of animals illustrating the author's words. I hope you enjoy it as much as I am video tribute to mothers: "Dear mom, thanks for everything". And congratulations again!

Video | Youtube On Babies and more | A letter for mom, Emotional video: "Letter to my mother", A poem for mom

Video: Mighty - A Touching Tribute to Mothers - Inspirational Videos (July 2024).