"The monsters of my house", documentary about child abuse

"The monsters of my house" is a documentary film that we can see your own website and that shows the daily reality of the child deprotection. Faces cases of physical and emotional abuse, sexual abuse and neglect or neglect by parents or persons within the child's environment.

Those affected are children who can belong to families of all kinds: normal families that hide the problem or marginal families who cannot or do not know how to take care of their children.

Carmen Artero, mother of four children and “kangaroo mother” of two more, accompanies us in the experiences of adults who were abused children and in contacts with the professionals who work to help those children who, sometimes, must be separated from His parents.

"The monsters of my house" goes from the particular, the case of each child, to the universal, the shame of society, going through the daily work of people who try to highlight this reality or who, with their action, They manage to save the lives of children who find themselves in a situation of unprotection.

We are not used to face this reality, that we all know, even without knowing it, or that they suffer children who are mistreated. Looking the other way, minimizing cases, denying reality or doing as if nothing happens to not suffer from this information is not what can help those children who need the whole society to act strongly and firmly in their defense.

The criticism is not only those parents, it is society, which often refuses to intervene by becoming part of the privacy of the family, and that, to feel less guilty, tends to remove the problem by placing it only in marginal areas. For example, if the data on sexual abuse are true (19% of women have suffered them and 15% of men), we would have to ask how many of the people around us have suffered such abuse? In each classroom, how many children are suffering now?

There are many children living with monsters in their own homes, helpless children, who need help, such as those given by foster families, bringing some normality and joy to what has been a very difficult life.

Other times I encourage you to watch videos, this time I ask you, from the heart, you need to be informed. See "Monsters in my house"Once we discover what some children who suffer nothing is the same again and we will be prepared not to close their eyes.

Official site | The monsters of my house

Video: TWICE "Feel Special" MV (May 2024).