Be a good father (I)

Being a father is an extraordinary adventure but also a great challenge. Parents want to give confidence, security and love to their children, allow them to develop fully and happily, but sometimes they can fall into mistakes or not develop activities and strategies that will help them Being a good father.

Spend time with the children

Spending time with children is enormously important. Although work and household chores leave us free time, it is a priority to spend it with our children. Childhood will not come back and knowing that our father enjoys our company gives us enormous security in the family.

Of course we can find moments for leisure, but really, occupy it enjoying the children It enriches us and also provides a climate of trust that children reproduce, feeling very important to us and knowing that their company makes us happy. There are many activities that are not compatible with children, such as risky sports or night outings, but many pleasant things can be adapted to them. It is the time for the walks, to recover the childhood games, the bicycle, the field ... you really are not going to get bored.

Time passes very quickly and there is no going back. Everything you do not share with your children as children will not return. Missed opportunities do not recover and your children's childhood is now. Live it


Work at home

If you have been educated in a way that women are the ones who carry the weight of childcare and home care, it is time to change. Even if the mother stays at home to take care of the little ones, that is not going to mean that she should be the only one in charge of housework. If you both work, the house must be done between the two, and if there is a baby at home that the mother breastfeeds or cares for preferably, it does not hurt to assume some additional task so that she is in the best condition to care for the child .

There is no harder job than caring for a baby or several children day and nightSeriously, if you don't believe it, try it. You end up exhausted physically and emotionally, especially if you go out of your way to provide adequate attention to the little ones and always be available to them as they need.

So when you return home it is time to take over. Child care work is tired and it is also the most important in the world. Than the mom is as rested as possible and in a good mood It can depend on your partner's help and of course, if she is strong and happy, your children will earn a lot from it. Dad's responsibility is, therefore, to ensure that the primary caregiver, who is usually the mother, is in good condition.

After a whole day with the children she may be looking forward to you coming out the door to take a shower or be quiet. It's your turn. Bath and dinner time is chaotic, it's your turn. At the end of the day there are messy things and dirty cooking, it's your turn. Does it seem hard? It can be, but it is also a very satisfactory effort because it results in the happiness of the family.

To be a good father is to respect the mother

The mother of your children deserves to be treated with absolute respect. Whatever happens. If you are a couple, show sincere love, nothing of childish reproaches because it neglects you. There are parents who long for dating and dedication of the partner, but now children will always be first, especially when they are babies. It is time to mature, your partner is not your mother nor can she give you the care she may not have given you.

Nor is it time to infatuate with buying things that overwhelm the budget or with activities, trips and entertainment incompatible with parenting or that exclude children.

If she is especially attached to your child, if you live motherhood with loving surrender, dispel jealousy. Sometimes they hide the child they didn't give as much love as the one your son receives. But that is not a reason for jealousy, it is a source of pride. Your son has the best mother in the world and you are lucky to be by his side. Is not it wonderful? Enjoy it, even if at first they leave you a little out of their love world, it is normal and natural. Your role is to support and care for them, not to sulk if they do not pay as much attention as you would like. Show love with acts.

There will come a 'day when a child also goes looking for the father, but without forcing him, because true ties are born of freedom. Be available, but not pressing.

Sex in the couple

In those early days your partner may not be very receptive to sex, understand it. His whole body is focused on the baby. She will be very tired, she will have slept little and besides, hormones and the mind have it in another universe sometimes. Respect that normal process, without reproaches or comments that can make you feel depressed or sad. Do not try to access by not dislike, surely you can imagine that it is a feeling that nobody wants to live. He loves you for sure, even if the desire is sleepy for a while.

There are many ways to awaken the desire or make it live without complete sexual relations. The woman, especially now that she is tired and emotionally revolutionized, needs dedication, pampering, love, pleasant words, details. Tenderness and caresses, massages and hugs are now much more important than ever, even if there is nothing else for a while, enjoy it, because it will strengthen the relationship between you. Without putting a date, everything will come.

Separated parents

Treat her well always, talk to her with love and respect, without shouting or bad manners. You are giving your children the example of how people should be treated, especially the people we love and with whom we live. That they will reproduce all their life.

Even if you are not a couple, you have to learn to get along, be kind, affectionate and polite. Do not fight or argue in front of children and handle differences with respect. Your child's mother will always be in your life in one way or another, but above all, she will always be a very important figure in her life. If she is in tension, worried or sad, the child will feel it and it will affect her, so it remains our responsibility, even if we are not together, to help her develop a happy motherhood. Above all, again, we will teach by example, to our children, how people behave despite separation or conflict, with respect and responsibility.


All these strategies will be able to help you Being a good father and to be happier. No one said that paternity was a vacation in which to vacate responsibility and rest. Being parents is hard sometimes, it is tired, it is an exercise of painful maturation, but I assure you that lived like this, consciously, it will be the most beautiful adventure of your life.

Video: What Makes a Great Father? Mark Trahan. TEDxTexasStateUniversity (July 2024).