Lovely kids in the park: soap bubbles

Spring afternoon stir in the park. Screams, comings and goings, jumps, thrusts, balls, carts ... Children dot the space placed by ages, by swings, by toys, by parents offering the snack ... Suddenly, there is a mysterious force that modifies the distribution of children. There are soap bubbles in the air.

As snake charmers, such as the Pied Piper, soap bubbles and their architect become the nerve center of the park. Children don't seem to care where they come from. It doesn't matter if he is an adult, that he is the little one who always pushes them, that he is a stranger…

The world around fades and in the visual angle of children there is only a celestial horizon of soap bubbles that must be pursued and destroyed, with a background of multiple arms stretched in the fight for it.

There are only those small and beautiful portions of soap and water that are so wisely distributed to form an air bubble inside. What to say if the "pompero" is new, with that mysterious liquid of formula unknown to ordinary mortals, transmitted as a secret healer or the formula of Coca-Cola, for centuries, by its manufacturers. Unrepeatable formula.

Because once at home, let's put what we put on pompero To try to imitate the magic liquid, the result will not be the same. They will be lovely bubbles, but less.

They do not arise with that force and that multiplicity that floods the park's sky with bright soap bubbles on the hunt for children who wave their arms excited and impatient to touch the evanescent and hypnotic bubbles.

The next day, after the success of the announcement of the discovery, some more charming appear, and new soap bubbles delight children in the park. "Let them fly, son!" Jump and swipe; Translation: "That's impossible, mom."

Video: kids outdoor playtime with Bubbles. kids blowing bubbles. Bangla (July 2024).