Is the air conditioner harmful to babies?

When the heat squeezes, the high temperatures can become unbearable for both adults and babies and children. Why in itself the air conditioner is not harmful to babies, if used correctly.

For this, two factors must be taken into account: humidity and temperature. When there is a baby, it is better to set the ambient temperature to about 25ºC and when extracting moisture, adults are comfortable and the baby does not cool down, achieving a comfort temperature (plus or minus one degree).

The risk is on the planes: For flights, as well as for any trip in transport or any departure to a place where we do not control the temperature, it is convenient to bring a jacket or blanket for the baby. In airplanes the ambient temperature is usually 22º but the humidity is at 20%, so after a short time everyone starts to feel cold.

In my opinion, we should be more daring with complaints and requests to those responsible for transport, shopping centers, restaurants ... if we consider that, for both us and babies, the air conditioning temperatures are not adequate.

Surely it has happened to you, both for heating and for fresh air, and most of the time we shut up. But it is not appropriate for health or for the care of the environment to maintain temperatures that exceed comfort limits, neither in summer nor in winter.

Also, for the correct use of the air and that is not harmful, it is necessary to take care of the air conditioning filters, which must be cleaned regularly so that they do not accumulate dirt.

The massive use of air conditioning systems in summer generate sudden temperature changes that are not good, for which it is recommended to use a jacket again and try to make the temperature change gradual.

On the other hand, there is the risk of large air conditioners that cause infections due to poor cleaning, such as legionella. If there is no proper maintenance service for the devices, an increase in bacteria occurs.

Finally, we will point out that it is not necessary to place the baby directly in front of the air conditioning jets (car, house ...), but keep them out of their reach to avoid excessive cooling and that the mucous membranes and respiratory tract are resected.

In any case, the air conditioning itself is not harmful to babies, but they can help you to be comfortable in the face of high temperatures, as well as to avoid heat stroke, as long as we expose them properly and take care of the comfort of the temperature.

Video: Is It Safe To Keep Babies in AC or COOLER. What Are Some Precautions To Take (May 2024).