How to inform young children about sex

To our children, without realizing it, we have already given them a lot of information about sex, although we have not stopped to talk to them about it. Therefore, more than "talk about sex" at the beginning what we do is offer children information about sex, which derives from our attitude.

Since they were born, we talked to them by identifying their gender, letting them know what sex they are ("What a handsome child ...). They still cannot understand it, but adults begin a form of denomination and identification in a natural way.

At the same time, we show them our affection, our love, a feeling that we will possibly want to be linked to sex in their lives. We kiss them, we hug them, we make all the pampering we want to show our love for them. It is another way of learning to relate to others by demonstrating their own affections.

They are unconscious, "routine" acts that reassure the baby and show them the meaning of respect and appreciation. And at the same time, they help them consolidate your self-esteem, to feel safe, cared for and loved, a basic issue in their development that will have a good basis for any relationship with others in the future.

Also, since they are babies, we help them to love others, first to other family members, then the circle is extended to a wider environment.

The attitude of parents as a couple

There is another kind of information about sex that young children receive, and it is the attitude of parents as a couple in front of them. If children do not see demonstrations of love between parents, they do not learn that it is the way to relate to the person you share affections.

Obviously, young children are not going to be given any theoretical classes about sex, and the closest they are to seeing "full" or intimate sexual attitudes is if they catch the parents in fraganti or before a scene on television. Then, especially in the first case, our children will also learn from our attitude.

If we accept the fact of having been interrupted naturally, it is simpler than in the future the child, in the case of remembering the situation and relating it to sex, will continue to see it as something natural and not as something traumatic (let's say, if we yell at him, we punish him ...).

The solution is not to shut up either. If we don't talk to you about what you just witnessed, you won't understand it in the future. I repeat that it is not about giving any theoretical class, but nothing is simpler (and true) than telling our children that parents demonstrate what they want by kissing, hugging and playing in bed.

As we see, the information about sex that young children receive It is very varied and is not limited to words but rather it is our attitudes towards them and with our partner that will give them a lot of data, also referred to affections as love and love.