"Cultivate peace" and the dream that never ceases

We have left the first decade of 2000 behind, but on a date like today, dedicated to the celebration of the Peace School Day, we wanted to rescue the project "Cultivate the peace" that constituted the international decade of a culture of peace and nonviolence for the children of the world.

In November 2000, the General Assembly of the United Nations proclaimed this international decade 2001-2010, and UNESCO was appointed governing body of the decade.

The 2000 Manifesto for a culture of peace and nonviolence, created by a group of Nobel Prizes, translates the resolutions of the United Nations into everyday language to make it accessible to the greatest number of people, and focuses on peace and justice for children around the world.

It is a commitment that begins at the individual level, which included six points to fight for and that, after the end of the decade, we continue to claim and wish to extend.

  • Respect the life and dignity of each person, without discrimination or prejudice.
  • Practice active nonviolence, rejecting violence in all its forms: physical, sexual, psychological, economic and social, particularly towards the weakest and most vulnerable, such as children and adolescents.
  • Share my time and my material resources, cultivating generosity in order to end exclusion, injustice and political and economic oppression.
  • Defend freedom of expression and cultural diversity, always favoring listening and dialogue, without giving in to fanaticism, nor to cursing and rejection of others.
  • Promote responsible consumption and a mode of development that takes into account the importance of all life forms and the balance of the planet's natural resources.
  • Contribute to the development of my community, promoting the full participation of women and respect for democratic principles, in order to create new forms of solidarity together.

These were six o'clock proposals of the 2000 Manifesto for peace for the children of the world within "Cultivate the peace" that we remember today and that remain in the hands of adults. Wouldn't it be nice if we also marked them for the next few years?

Official Site | Unesco In Babies and more | School Day of Non-violence and Peace, Andaluna and Samir, excellent website for education in values, Intercentros Project, to promote coexistence and tolerance among children

Video: Mean Tweets Hip Hop Edition (July 2024).