The smallest premature child in the world, who was born with 268 grams, has survived and goes home

He was born by emergency caesarean section last August in Tokyo, Japan, with barely 24 weeks gestation and 268 grams of weight. It is not the most premature baby that gets ahead, but yes the smallest in the world born of a premature birth that has managed to survive. It fit in the palm of one hand and had the weight of a large onion.

After remaining six months in intensive care, this little champion normally feeds and has just been discharged on February 20, two months after his estimated date of birth, weighing 3,238 kg..

The smallest child that survives

When leaving the hospital

According to Keio University Hospital, it has the record of being the smallest newborn child discharged from a hospital in good health.

In Babies and moreBirth microprematuro: came to the world with 27 weeks and 745 grams and has managed to survive

So far, the smallest survivor was a child born in Germany in 2009 with a weight of 274 grams, according to a record created by the University of Iowa, in the United States.

A girl who was born in Germany in 2015 is registered in the same database, and supposedly weighed 252 grams. But this is the smallest child registered until today.

Japan is, according to UNICEF, the country with the lowest mortality in newborns. The survival rate of infants with less than one kilo of weight is 90 percent and is reduced to 50 percent in babies less than 300 grams.

Get ahead smaller and smaller

Being born premature is an arrival in the world for which no one is prepared, and especially in the case of ** micro-premature babies, born between weeks 22 and 28 of gestation, the challenge is even greater.

Their situation of extreme prematurity, added to the low weight, increases the risks considerably, but fortunately, smaller babies are increasingly able to get ahead.

In Babies and moreThe story of "Emilín the warrior", a great premature of 23 weeks of gestation that has come forward without sequelae

Video: Miracle baby, born 370 grams at 24 weeks. Чудо ребенок - рожденная на 24 неделе, 370 грамм (July 2024).