Can we eat raw sprouts?

E-Coli bacteria infections in Europe have caused a considerable number of deaths and many more infections, since in Germany there have been 4000 patients. The source of the infection seems to be the raw sprouted grains of a particular farm and the alert is not, of course, for all sprouts in the market nor are there any problems in Spain. However, this causes us to consider to what extent it is safe to consume sprouts or other raw vegetables.

Any fruit and vegetables we consume should be well cleaned and disinfected, cooked or peeled, but in the case of salads and other products we eat raw, such as unpeeled fruit or the same sprouts, precautions should be extreme, and more in summer and in the case of pregnant women or young children.

In France, the consumption of raw sprouts has already been discouraged, and cooked foods can be eaten, or of course, those grown in our own home in a germinator can be eaten raw, something that is not too complicated.

There is no recommendation in Spain against raw sprouts For now, however, we should not neglect the sanitation measures that we should apply to all raw vegetables.