Nervous tics in children

The nervous tics they are involuntary contractions that involve muscle groups. It is possible that you notice in your child this type of movement at some point in his childhood. Approximately ten percent of children have nervous tics, but most of the time they are transient and resolve on their own.

The nervous tics in children they usually appear after five years. Involuntary, irregular and repetitive movements such as arching the eyebrows, constant blinking, pursing the nose, snapping the tongue, turning the neck or shrugging the shoulders become, although sometimes it looks like a hobby or a bad habit, in a way to release tensions.

While the genetic factor can influence, most tics are attributed to environmental and learning factors. They are reactions to situations that produce anxiety or irritability in the child, increase with stress and decrease when performing relaxing activities and during sleep.

Tics occur many times a day, usually in outbreaks and have constant variations. They get better when the child is calm and they get worse when stressed, tired or anxious.

It is often said that the tics "come and go". They affect boys more than girls and tend to be more intense in self-conscious and shy boys. In some cases, they may be related to disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and obsessive-compulsive.

Types of tics

  • Tics simple engines: are the most frequent. Within this group, we find the blinking or winking of the eyes, the shaking of the head and movement of shoulders, arms or legs. They are transitory. They have a variable duration of one to twelve months.
  • Tics complex engines: They are quite rare. For example, hit yourself, jump, trample.
  • Simple vocal tics: clear your throat, growl, sniff your nose, snort ...
  • Complex vocal tics: when the child suffers from ticks of the ecolalia type (repeats the words that direct him), alilalia (repeats his own words) or coprolalia (emits obscene words). They are chronic tics, which last more than one year, period in which there are no more than three consecutive months without tics. You have to pay special attention to these symptoms, and if you suspect that you suffer from Tourette Syndrome, a neurological disorder.

Psychological aspects

The tics are manifestations of unfulfilled desires, conflicts that the child cannot resolve on his own, aches and frustrations that he expresses through these tension discharges.

The boy with nervous tics He often suffers from not being able to control sudden and involuntary movements, making him feel shame and sometimes making relationships with other children difficult. You know that children are very direct and can hurt their susceptibility.

This causes even more anxiety that manifests itself in more movements, which is why understanding the people around you is paramount so that you can overcome the disorder.

What to do if my child has nervous tics?

The child does not do it on purpose or to anger the parents. The nervous tics are involuntary and unconscious movements. Correct at all times to stop doing so and being on top of the child is not recommended. Parents should remain calm, be patient, understand them and wait to see how the disorder evolves. The expected is that disappear if you don't pay too much attention.

Studies on the subject have shown that when parents consider their children's tics as normal and temporary without paying special attention, the evolution is satisfactory and they disappear without leaving sequels in a few months, or at most a year. On the contrary, when they pressure children or quarrel, tics become more frequent and intense.

We must avoid situations that cause internal tension and fatigue, both physical and mental, as well as avoid overloading them with activities or obligations. Instead, favor moments of recreation and distraction, and carry out with them activities that are pleasurable.

Pharmacological treatments are not indicated in mild cases. If the tic persists for more than a year, it becomes more intense or frequent, and interferes with your daily activities it is advisable to go to a specialist.