Is the return to work of Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría a good example?

Three years ago we talked in Babies and more of the then Minister of Defense Carme Chacón and her maternity leave of 42 days, after which she joined the job, while her partner took care of her baby.

Now, the case of Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría, spokesman of the Popular Party at the congress, is a topical issue because he has been entrusted with the task of dealing with the transfer of powers having given birth to his son just 11 days ago.

A week ago we explained the proposals of the Popular Party for families and valued what were the proposals of the parties regarding work and family conciliation.

Well, deep down it does not matter what the Popular Party said if 10 days after giving birth a woman from her party has to return to work, not even fulfilling the 6 weeks that are mandatorily granted to a woman (after six weeks is when the man can take the leave to take care of the baby, but not before).

The first time he was seen publicly was at the end of the PP campaign rally and more massively in celebrating his party's victory on the balcony of Genoa, 10 days after giving birth to his first child, Ivan, where Rajoy urged him not to bounce, since he is still recovering from his recent motherhood.

So since this woman is part of the government, she is a public and well-known character and has decided to live her maternity leave between meetings, phone calls, agendas and interviews, instead of passing her between diapers, tits, burps, kisses and knowing the son you just had, I ask: Is the return to work of Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría a good example, 10 days after giving birth?

You already know my answer. I always think about babies, so thinking about the baby, putting myself in his bones, I'm sure that with 10 days I would be missing the mother who has gestated me a lot, who is the person I know most because, after nine months inside I know his smell, his taste, his voice and I know his heartbeat. I know all that helps me to be well now that I am outside. It is to smell it, it is to suck it, it is to hear it, it is to be in its arms, and I calm down.

The pity is that my mother has gone to work- Well, nothing, I will have to find another smell, another taste and another voice to get used to, while my mother is supposed to fight, with those of her party, so that Mothers and fathers can spend more time with their children.

I don't know, let's see what you think about it.

Via and Photo | The world
In Babies and more | The maternal leave of the Minister of Defense, To the European Parliament with her baby in tow, The conciliation reaches the European Parliament