Tell me Santa 2011: personalized message from Santa in a beautiful application

The interactive messages of Santa Claus and the Magi coexist today with the classic letters of a lifetime. Tell me Santa 2011 is a beautiful application in which Santa Claus gives children a personalized message.

The images are very well achieved, but the most curious thing is that it is a video in which Santa talks directly with the child. He calls him by name, knows his age and even knows how his behavior has been throughout the year.

For this, it is necessary that parents first configure the application with all the necessary data so that Santa's speech is as close to reality as possible.

I have tried it with my daughters and, although the part of "bad children I bring coal" does not sympathize with me, they have gone crazy when they heard Santa call them by name, know how old they are ("How do you know?") and the strengths and weaknesses of each one's behavior ("You know I've learned to shower alone!").

Children have the possibility of recording a message with the request for gifts and we can even take a picture of our house where we will see Santa appear.

From December 25, the child can see how Santa delivers the gifts in his own house (thanks to the photo we have taken), although this part we have not seen yet because it is a surprise for that day.

I encourage you to download the application with the Santa's personalized message for the little ones. Also take advantage that you can do it in free today and tomorrow As a Christmas promotion. Then its price will be the usual one, 1.59 euros, and a percentage will go to an NGO that distributes gifts to the most disadvantaged children this Christmas.

Tell me Santa It is available on the App Store for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad.

Video: Free Santa Calls - Send Kids A Personalized Greeting From Santa Claus! (May 2024).