Beyoncé is the new image of "Breast is Best", a campaign that defends breastfeeding in public

In recent years it has been frequent (although luckily I would say less and less) the appearance of news in which mothers who were breastfeeding their babies or children in public were reprimanded or invited to do so elsewhere.

In Babies and more we have always positioned ourselves in favor of mothers, especially because in doing so we defend babies, who have the right to eat where they need it.

Beyoncé He thinks the same, it seems, because a few days ago he could be seen breastfeeding his daughter in a restaurant, an act that has made the members of the “Breast is Best” campaign, which defends breastfeeding in public, they have chosen it as a new image of their campaign.

The woman's breast is used to breastfeed

The mothers' breasts, The mammary glands have the sole purpose of feeding the children once they are born. It is true that a question of image and eroticism is currently associated with breasts, but it is a social construct, an invention that we all (in our culture) assume as true and valid, but which is secondary.

A few days ago, Beyoncé was with her husband Jay-Z having dinner at a restaurant when her daughter, Blue Ivy, let her know she was hungry. Neither short nor lazy, and this should not be news, He took his daughter and, before all the people who were in the restaurant, gave him his chest.

And thus the legend of Beyoncé was born

This act, which should be the most natural thing in the world because most women have no problem breastfeeding their babies anywhere, became a trigger for the members of the “Breast is Best” campaign, which emerged from that two women were humiliated for breastfeeding their children in public, flag Beyoncé's image breastfeeding in a restaurant.

The idea is that the story runs as much as possible so that people end up seeing something as simple and logical as normal as feeding a hungry baby.

By the way, I have tried to find some link to some reference of the "Breast is Best" campaign and I have not found anything. I get the feeling that it is a social campaign, driven by two moms, which has been growing at the network level with the support of other moms, some governments (who have come to use the phrase as a slogan) and other websites.