Healthy dinners for children: anchovies in vinegar with garlic-oil escarole salad

We continue to suggest healthy dinners for the kids, for today we have chosen some fish with salad, which will surely delight the whole family. The recipe for healthy dining is from pickled anchovies with garlic-oil escarole salad.

First, we need to buy the fresh anchovies and freeze them a day for avoid the dreaded anisakis. Once 48 hours have passed, we defrost them in the fridge and when they are ready, we clean the anchovies well (the fishmonger can be asked to clean them before freezing them). We must wash them well so that they lose all the blood and remain white. Then they are allowed to drain.

We prepare a brine so that the anchovies are made: in a source we arrange the anchovies and cover them with a sufficient amount of vinegar. We also add a few tablespoons of salt trying to make it well dissolved.

We leave it in the fridge for at least eight hours. To know if they are ready to eat, it is best to try them and see if they are white and smooth. To prepare them, we drain them well from the brine, pass them to a source and make a chopped garlic and parsley well plentiful and a good stream of extra virgin olive oil, we can accompany them with some olives.

For the salad, we wash the endive we can find in bags, drain it and pour it into a fountain. In a mortar we crush garlic we add olive oil. We add salt to the escarole and the oil and garlic and stir everything leaving to rest for a few minutes so that it takes the flavor.

On a plate, we put some anchovies and some escarole and have dinner.

He anchovy being blue fish is a food rich in vitamin B6 and B3 among others, this makes it a food beneficial For the circulatory system, it helps reduce cholesterol, it is recommended to fight diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, it is highly recommended in cases of diabetes, depression, asthma and helps prevent heart disease.

The endive It contains fiber and 94% water so it is low in calories, it also has carbohydrates and fiber. It is rich in nutrients that favor hair, collagen, skin, teeth and bones, increases resistance to infections, improves intestinal transit and is beneficial for the digestive system, pancreas and biliary functions.

For all this, it is a healthy and nutritious dinner For the little ones.

Video: Thoughtful Food - Salmon Teriyaki with Green Salad (May 2024).