They detect traces of veterinary drugs in baby food

From time to time we receive news of this kind that makes us question the quality controls in food production, not only of babies, but of any kind. This time a study that has analyzed baby food has detected traces of veterinary drugs.

Twelve foods with beef, pork or poultry (small pots) and nine samples of powdered milk have been analyzed. While most of the analyzed samples of potitos and milks in powder are totally free of residues, the fact that the sample is so small does not give much tranquility.

Only one of the samples found an antibiotic residue and in others (the number in the sources is not required), residues of compounds that are used against parasites in animals. Antibiotics such as tilmicosin or antiparasitic drugs such as levamisole are medications that are given to livestock to prevent disease, but their remains may later appear in food.

Also, traces of sulfonamides, macrolides and other antibiotics, as well as anthelmintics (against worms) and fungicides have been found. In total, five veterinary drugs in powdered milk and ten in products made with meat, especially if they were chicken or other poultry.

The study, published by the magazine "Food Chemistry", has been collected by the Information and Scientific News Service (SINC) and many media echo these days.

Before the restlessness of the consumers, the investigators have clarified today that there is no reason for the alarm, and they have wanted to transmit tranquility. The scientists, from the University of Almeria, point out that the concentrations found are very low and in no case harmful to health.

But will the same or similar concentrations be found in meat sold in supermarkets? Are there different controls? Many questions arise, and as much as they are not worrisome amounts, this evidence manifests the need to ask controls on these products to ensure food safety.

In fact, the study shows that these traces in baby food could come from farms where there is no rigorous control in the administration of medications to animals.

If the European Commission has already legislated on the permitted levels of pesticides and other substances in cereal-based food for children and babies, perhaps the time has come for the same to be done in food of animal origin. Veterinary medications in food can cause allergic reactions, antibiotic resistance and other health problems.

The truth is that after knowing that there are remains of veterinary drugs in baby food It is scary to think about everything that our children and ourselves will be eating without the necessary quality control, and we doubt whether there are really food free of dangers today.

Video: Baby Kaya After Visit Inject Medicine (July 2024).