Grandparents promote the Mediterranean diet

As Lola has told us, today the Nutrition Day is celebrated in Spain, and the grandparents have been partly protagonists. A study has been presented in which many grandparents encourage the Mediterranean diet among their grandchildren.

This is the first study on the influence of grandparents in the feeding of children, conducted by the Spanish Federation of Nutrition, Food and Dietary Societies (FESNA), together with the Spanish Food Safety Agency (AESAN), on the occasion of this day.

The study, conducted on a total of 404 telephone surveys of citizens with a mean age of 70, shows that the eating habits of Spanish grandparents are healthy. On average, they eat three pieces of fruit a day, eat fish about three times a week and vegetables about four times, and in their daily diet there is not an excess of foods that contain saturated fats.

The survey data show that foods as balanced and healthy as the food only appear in the usual diet of many households if an older person lives there.


The new ways of life or the incorporation of women into the labor market are some of the factors that contribute to the loss of the Mediterranean diet and healthy eating habits, and grandparents are often those who rescue those habits.

More than half of the grandparents are responsible for one of the meals or dinners of the week of their grandchildren on a regular basis and more than 50% believe that the diet they had was healthier than now. At the same time, 67% of the elderly consider that the children don't eat everything (They consume little vegetables and fish but abuse meat and dairy desserts).

The data of this study contradict those we mentioned a while ago, which indicated that children cared for by grandparents are more prone to obesity, although in this case we worked on an analysis carried out in the United Kingdom, where habits Food are very different from those in Spain.

In any case, the value of grandparents in the family is great, also in the culinary sense. We have to learn more from grandparents and their fondness for the Mediterranean diet to provide a healthier diet for our children, also when we cook.

Video: Diet Doctor Podcast #13 Peter Ballerstedt (July 2024).