An aesthetic operation "fixes" your nipple after breastfeeding

I don't know about you and your moms what feelings this news will cause you, but I honestly get a little bad milk when I read things that relate cosmetic surgery to words such as postpartum or as, in today's topic, postlactance.

Spanish surgeons of the Clinic La Luz and the Gregorio Marañón Hospital in Madrid have devised a technique already applied in various patients to achieve reduce the height and diameter of the nipple by up to 50 percent, to make it reach the “normal” dimension, a technique basically designed to women who have breastfed.

But if you breastfed, it would be normal for the nipple not to touch

I have quoted "normal" in the previous paragraph because I am pleased with that phrase that can be read in the argumentation of the means for this operation. They say that the operation is to restore the normal size of the nipple, as if breastfeeding a baby, which is the most normal thing in the world, and the appearance that the nipple can acquire after it, is somewhat abnormal.

That is to say: "Madam, your nipple has acquired an abnormal size because you have breastfed your children" is an absurd phrase. The logical thing normal after breastfeeding is that the nipple may be different, just as normal after several pregnancies (and several years) is that the breast falls to a greater or lesser extent or in the same way that a 45-year-old woman with expression wrinkles does not have abnormal skin.

What is the intervention?

The intervention, simpler than others that have the same objective, consists of creating three triangular-shaped tissue flaps at the base of the nipple, placed symmetrically so that they shape the new nipple (already, I don't do much to the idea of ​​how it would be).

The recovery is fastBecause the intervention is ambulatory, the chest is covered for a week and after two weeks the stitches are removed.

To date, 43 patients (40 women and 3 men) have been operated, all achieving the desired aesthetic result. With this operation the average diameter of the nipple goes from 16 +/- 2 mm to 9 +/- 1.5 mm and the average height goes from 19 +/- 3 mm to 10 +/- 2 mm.

My wife's nipples

My wife is breastfeeding the one who is now our third child and, if she gets to breastfeed the same as her brothers, she will have breastfed her children about 8 years in total. Now that adds more than five years it is clear that her chest has changed and, on her nipples, yes I think they have also changed their appearance (Although she is not so clear).

If after breastfeeding all three I came one day telling me that the nipple will be operated, to have it the same as when we had no children, it would bother me (I would say "do what you want", of course, but I would prefer that I do nothing).

Your nipples will be the fruit of three lactations, of hours and hours of breastfeeding your children, of feeding them, of calming them, of clotting and hugging them with their milk. It is as if, eliminating the trace of all this, I would like to erase everything in your body, as if everything is left in a "nothing has happened here".

I know it's a psychological thing, but the footprints, the scars, are something that in a way is part of us. Without going any further, Miriam has a scar on the knee of an accident from when she was a child and, when they have told her that now those scars can be hidden or even solved, she has always said the same thing: this scar has been with me almost all my life .

Surely you will have seen the movie “The Indomitable Will Hunting” and surely you are now remembering that scene in which Robin Williams explains to Matt Damon what his relationship with his partner was like, that dialogue in which he says that those things that make us different are our imperfections:

People often call these things defects, but they are not, they are the best. We choose who we let into our world.

If you have not seen it, when you have a while you see it. I also have to look for a while to see her again. I want to hear this phrase and the complete dialogue again.

Everyone who does what they want, would be missing more, and that those women who want to have the nipple as before breastfeeding are operated if they consider it necessary. I will continue to think that the trace of life should not be erased, because it is the reflection of everything we have lived, and less if it corresponds to something as magical as breastfeeding your children.