A girl of 6,300 grams and 63 centimeters is born in Hungary

There are many times that we have spoken to you in Babies and more of big babies (they are called macrosomic, but it sounds fatal), so today we can't stop talking about the girl who has broken a size record in her country.

Is about a girl who was born in Hungary with a weight of 6,300 grams and a height of 63 centimeters (Although in the Spanish media it is spreading that it measured 67.3 cm, I guess because here everything tends to be exaggerated ... note the irony).

The girl's name is Zselyke Erdös, who surely doesn't pronounce as you just said, and her mother is a nurse at the hospital where she was born. The day of the event (I think that because of the size of the girl we can well talk about the event) was on August 8 and, evidently, the girl was born by caesarean section.

The mother of the girl, Tünde Erdös (yes, fixed that you do not pronounce it well), said she does not know why her daughter was born so great, because there was no alteration in the pre-delivery tests, she did not take any medication or there is no history relatives and said that, despite the surprise, they expected her bigger, since in the last ultrasound it was estimated that it was that big.

Apparently, in the last days of pregnancy it did not grow as much as they expected, although it could also be that the ultrasound estimates were high.

The parents have explained that “Zselyke sleeps a lot and is very well”. The family is already at home, in the city of Hajdúböszörmény (this name is more likely to have been pronounced all right), where it seems that many known and unknown people approach, who they want to meet the biggest newborn in the country.

From here we wish a lot of health to the girl and a lot of health to the parents, especially at the level of back and arms, because starting with a baby of more than 6 kilos is for champions.