What would happen if our children ate eggs every day?

Surely on more than one occasion you have received the recommendation to eat a maximum of three eggs a week and surely if on any occasion you have eaten an egg a day someone has told you that you are putting a cholesterol pump in the body . Given these messages and recommendations, most parents limit the consumption of eggs of our children, ensuring their health, so that they do not exceed.

However, the bad reputation that eggs have for years seems not to be too documented, since the latest studies seem to be saying that the lion is not as fierce as they paint it, so then I tell you what would happen if our children ate eggs every day (or if we did).

The explanation comes from a study recently published in Metabolism in which they intended the same, see what happens in the short term if people take eggs daily.

How did they do the study

To carry out the study two randomized groups of 37 people were made. One of the groups had to eat three whole eggs every day, with its yolk and white (three eggs a day !!) and the other group three clearings a day, that is, avoiding taking the yolks.


The two groups followed a moderate carbohydrate diet and no restrictions were carried out. The members of the two groups could eat freely, with the sole indication of eating whole or only clear eggs.

What was the results

After three months on the mentioned diet the whole egg group came to take about 250 eggs in total, and the other group about 250 clear. Given such an amount of eggs ingested in three months more than one should have suffered a heart attack, at least, or have cholesterol in the clouds. However, the results showed the following:

  • Weight loss: The two groups lost an average of 4%.
  • Total cholesterol: There were no significant changes in both cases, that is, that nobody oozed cholesterol through all the pores of his body.
  • LDL cholesterol (bad): No significant changes in both cases (logic tells us that it should have increased, and much).
  • HDL cholesterol (good): Those who took whole eggs increased good cholesterol by 16%. In those who only took clear rose 10%.
  • Triglycerides: The group of 250 whole eggs saw their triglyceride level decrease by 30%. In the group that made clear, it decreased by 20%.
  • LDL / HDL ratio (better the lower): With whole eggs it went from 2.5 to 2.1. With whites from 2.6 to 2.4.
  • Insulin level: In the egg group the insulin level was reduced by 20% while in the egg group it decreased by 15%.
  • No. VLDL particles (the less the better): In the whole eggs group were reduced by almost 20%. In the clear group there were no changes.
  • No. HDL particles: No significant changes in both cases.


Well, the same ones that you will have extracted when reading these results. Not only eggs are not bad, but it seems that their consumption is more than recommended. It is true that it is the results of a single study that we are commenting on today, but there are many more that have been showing for some time that the fact that the egg is bad for health seems like a myth. The problem is that bad reputation is very fast and there is a lot of work that needs to be done to restore a good image to one of the most balanced protein foods for our children (and for us).

Video: The Egg Diet: Does It Work? UCLA Center for Clinical Nutrition (May 2024).